Detail of the book cover to Picturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps

New Book: Picturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps

U.S. map showing animals of various states,

H.W. Hill & Co., Map of the United States, Showing the Farm Animals in Each State. 1878. Public domain. Image courtesy to the book by Rare Maps Inc.

Maps are a powerful, time-honored method of data visualization. And pictorial maps are even more fun, because they often superimpose iconography that represents the points of pride, natural wonders, exports, traditions, even the location of bathrooms. Think of historical maps complete with sea dragons or the state maps from the state reports of our youth, decorated with cars and sheaves of wheat.

The Library of Congress and the University of Chicago Press have a new book out to celebrate the decorated maps of our nation. Picturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps, was out this week, and just from the cover (below and in featured image) and preview pages I saw, I know I’m going to be hooked on these as soon as I can get my hands on a copy!

Book Cover for Picturing America: The Golden Age of Pictorial Maps

About Kristin Fontichiaro

Kristin Fontichiaro is the principal investigator of this IMLS-funded project and a clinical associate professor at the University of Michigan School of Information.